Monday, March 21, 2011

Finally back on track!

Well, it's been a long time coming, but spring is finally here! I don't know about you, but there's something about a new season that is invigorating. In particular, spring is about rebirth and renewal, so it's a perfect time to refocus on my goals and what I need to do to achieve them. In my last post, I was still in a bit of mid-winter slump and determined to take it easy for a while. I'm happy to say that the hibernation is over, and I'm itching to get back into good habits and on with my weight loss goal for the year!

Once I decided to get back on the wagon, so to speak, I went to my bible on weight loss surgery. I found that out of all the books available on the market, Dr. Garth Davis (from the TV show Big Medicine, for those of you familiar with him) has one of the best. It's called "The Expert's Guide to Weight Loss Surgery" and it is, hands down, the most comprehensive guide out there. His section on staying on track for post-op patients is so very helpful! And whether you're a post-op patient or not, you can probably benefit from the advice that he gives for getting back on track with your weight loss goals.

For me, the biggest thing is mindful eating. That is, I really need to think about what I'm putting in my mouth and if I'm eating it because I'm hungry or for some other reason. In the past, this was a real stumbling block for me, because I had difficulty determining if I were actually hungry or eating as an emotional response. Nowadays, it's a lot easier to stop myself from grazing all day (given that I don't have that much room in my stomach), but it's still important to ask the question before I eat: am I hungry, or just [insert emotion here - like bored, mad, upset or stressed]?

The second target I've identified to keep me on track is to drink my water. I know this sounds simple (especially to someone like me who loves water!), but you'd be surprised at how often I forget to continuously sip, sip, sip. In particular, on days when I'm out and about, running errands or visiting friends, I often forget to bring my water bottle with me. This is a big problem because thirst often masks itself as hunger, so I might reach for a snack when all I really need is a drink. Dr. Davis recommends 64 oz of water a day (or 8 glasses, just like they told me on Sesame Street), so I've gone back to tracking my drinks all day just to make sure I get them all in.

Third, and probably the most important goal for me, is to get back on my exercise regime. After taking quite a few weeks off, I'm itching to shake my groove thang! The general rule for bariatric surgery patients is 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week, but I prefer to get physical every day. I'm lucky to have gym at my disposal at work, but besides 30 minutes on the treadmill, I also like to move whenever I can, even if it's just walking the dogs or parking extra-far-away from work or the mall.

The last tip I'm going to employ is a tough one for me, I admit it. Dr. Davis' mantra is "I will get support when I am feeling challenged," and that's easier said than done. Part of it is that I'm physically too far away from Toronto now to attend the monthly support group that meets on Wednesday evenings. Given that, I need to rely more on friends and supporters, and sharing a struggle can be a challenge in itself. I am super thankful for my surgery sistas, Heather and Ange, who are always there for a conversation and encouragement when I need it. And I'm also blessed to have my sister and my friend Jenn in my corner because they both go out of their way to ensure my comfort (especially around eating) whenever I'm with them. That being said, I suspect I'll have to find a local group to attend on occasion if I'm going to get the support that I need when I'm feeling challenged. And if that's what it takes to continue being successful, then I'm game. Keep in mind too, for those of you who haven't had surgery, that asking for help is a universal benefit. Remember, there's never any shame in asking for what you need.

Ok, I think that's it for now. I'm excited to be getting back on track with my goals and I'm so looking forward to continuing with and building on the successes that I've had so far. To the rest of you out there who are up to the challenge, best of's onward and upward from here!


Anonymous said...

Excellent and inspiring, as always! said...

Perfect Spring always inspire me to get on with getting on!!

Laura said...

Mindful eating is an important part, and yet it can be hard to do... emotions and thinking patterns arise that can be hard to deal with.

I'm enjoying your posts - thanks for sharing your journey!

Cheri said...

Thanks, ladies, for the encouragement. I'm glad you're finding my musings helpful :)